Monday, November 24, 2014

Agenda for 11/24

1. Mr. Parise's Turkey Spectacular

1. Get a turkey (allow 1-2 days for thawing if frozen).

2. Buy a large roasting bag.

3. Spread a liberal amount of softened butter, salt and pepper between the turkey's skin and breast meat.

4. Place a chopped onion, carrots, celery, a sliced apple or orange, and roasting herbs (rosemary, oregano, thyme, etc.) inside the cavity of the bird.

5. Liberally season the outside of the bird with salt and pepper.

6. Place your turkey in the roasting bag (follow directions on box)

7. Place a small amount of water or vegetable stock in the bag along with any extra veggies.

8. Place turkey in your roasting pan UPSIDE DOWN (breast meat down)

9. Tie off bag and make a few slits in the top of the bag (follow directions on bag)

10. Cook until internal meat temp. is at least 165 degrees. Look online for approximate cooking time for the size of your turkey. No basting necessary. Keep oven closed. The more you open it, the longer it will take, and the drier the meat will be.

11. Take turkey out of oven. Flip right side up. Carve, make your gravy, and enjoy!

2. Where do our Turkeys come from? 

3. The first Thanksgiving? What do we teach kids?

3. Massacre at the Mystic

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Agenda for 11/2

1. Reparations - two more resources if you need them

2. Creating Your Bibliography

3. Review the Reparations Essay Grading Rubric.

4. Continue work on "Reparations Essay"

5. Sources of info for you essay:
  6. Essay Due: 11/24 (this Monday)
  • Your Annotated Bibliography is also due Monday 11/24
  • The essay will be a test grade!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Agenda for 11/18 - Maroon

 1. Reparations - two more resources if you need them

2. Creating Your Bibliography

3. Review the Reparations Essay Grading Rubric.

4. Continue work on "Reparations Essay"
  • Essay Map
  • AREAS Chart
  • Start writing essay 
5. Sources of info for you essay:
  6. Essay Due: 11/24 (this Monday)
  • Your Annotated Bibliography is also due Monday 11/24
  • The essay will be a test grade!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Agenda for 11/17 - Gold

1. Are the effects of slavery really a thing of the past
2. How did laws and government practices continue to effect the opportunities of black families? How do these laws effect economic and social equality generation after generation? An argument for reparations?

3. Completing your Bibliography
4. Review the Reparations Essay Grading Rubric.

5. Continue work on "Reparations Essay"
  • Essay Map
  • AREAS Chart
  • Start writing essay 
6. Sources of info for you essay:

 4. Essay Due: 11/21 (this Friday)

  • Your Annotated Bibliography is also due Friday 11/21
  • The essay will be a test grade!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Agneda for 11/14

1. Are the effects of slavery really a thing of the past

2. How did laws and government practices continue to effect the opportunities of black families? How do these laws effect economic and social equality generation after generation? An argument for reparations?

3. Continue work on "Reparations Essay"
  • Essay Map
  • AREAS Chart
  • Start writing essay 
4. Sources of info for you essay:
 4. Essay Due: 11/24 (Monday)
  •  You may use additional resources, but be prepared to cite in a Bibliography (so keep track of them). A bibliography will be a required for this essay (more about this next class).
  • You will have some class time to work on the essay on Monday 11/17.
  • Next class you will receive the Grading Rubric for the essay
  • The essay will be a test grade!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Agenda for 11/13

1. Don't be one of these kids!!!!!!

2. So what does the research say about who supports reparations and who does not?

3. Continue work on "Reparations Essay"
  • Essay Map
  • AREAS Chart
  • Start writing essay
 4. Sources of info for you essay:
 4. Essay Due: 11/21 (next Friday)
  •  You may use additional resources, but be prepared to cite in a Bibliography (so keep track of them). A bibliography will be a required for this essay (more about this next class).
  • You will have some class time to work on the essay on Monday 11/17.
  • Next class you will receive the Grading Rubric for the essay
  • The essay will be a test grade!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Agenda for 11/12

Don't be one of these kids!!!!!!

 So what does the research say about who supports reparations and who does not?

Today, we will begin work on your final assessment for the Slavery Unit. 

The final essential question you are to consider is:

Does the US Government owe, and should it pay, reparations to the descendants of slaves in America to make up for the horrors of slavery?

There are three basic answers that are possible for this question:

1. Yes, reparations are owed, and yes, they should be paid (Yes and Yes)

2. Yes, reparations are owed, but no, they should not be paid. (Yes and No)

3. No, reparations are not owed, and no, they should not be paid. (No and No)

To prepare yourself to write apersuasive essay on this topic (the assessment for this Unit), you need to complete the following tasks:

1. Complete the "Reparations Argument Chart" we began last class. You need to have the chart filled out for three arguments to support reparations and three arguments against reparations.

2. Decide on your answer to the essential question.

3. Complete the "Essay Map" to outline your response (we will go over how to use the Essay Map in class). Do not complete the "Conclusion" section.
  • Intro: put your thesis sentence.
  • Main Ideas 1-3: put in the topic sentence for the paragraph (the one sentence that states the argument you will be defending in that paragraph).
  • Supporting details: include your major reason for believing in the argument identified in the "Main Idea" section.
4. Complete the AREAS paragraph graphic organizer for each of your three body paragraphs. We will go over how to do this in class.

HW: Complete steps 1-4 as detailed above.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Agenda for 11/7

1. Read - A Long History of Racial Preference
  • Go to eBackpack to download reading questions
  •  "A Long History of Racial Preference - Questions"
2. Reparations - Continue to understand arguments for and against Reparations

3. Completing the "Reparations Argument Chart" using the "Reparations Overview Packet"
  • Complete on paper or electronically. E-copy of chart and information packet can be found on the eBackpack assignment: "Reparations Argument Chart.

HW - Finish the Reparations Argument Chart (on paper) - Due Mon. 11/10
  • Complete the chart for at least 3 arguments for reparations and 3 arguments against reparations.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Agend for 11/6

1. Read - A Long History of Racial Preference

2. Reparations - Continue to understand arguments for and against Reparations

3. Completing the "Reparations Argument Chart" using the "Reparations Overview Packet"
  • Complete on paper or electronically. E-copy of chart and information packet can be found on the eBackpack assignment: "Reparations Argument Chart.

HW - Finish the Reparations Argument Chart (on paper) - Due Mon. 11/10
  • Complete the chart for at least 3 arguments for reparations and 3 arguments against reparations.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Agenda for 11/5

Today you will be investigating the case for reparations (payments for wrongdoing) being paid to the descendants of slavery in America.
1. Read this overview of the issue, and answer the following questions (answer in your packet).
  • What are four different times in US history when people have pushed for reparations for slavery. For instance provide as much of an explanation as possible (when the was the proposal made, who was making the demand, what was demanded, why it failed, etc.).
  • What was the purpose of the Conyers Bill, first proposed in 1989. Has he been successful? What does he continue to do?
  • What has been proposed by Robert Brock, Ron Daniels, National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, 
  • What are the main arguments made by people who disagree with the idea of paying reparations for slavery?
  • What are the main arguments made by people who support the payment of reparations?
2. Developing Your Opinion - based on the article above, decide on your opinion on this issue, and then do the following
  • Find an article online to support your opinion on this issue
  • Read the article
  • Write a one paragraph (at least 1/2 page) reflection sharing your opinion on this issue. 
    • In your paragraph, your first sentence should clearly state your opinion.
    • You should use at least three pieces of evidence from the first article you read above.
    • You should include at least three pieces of evidence from the article that you found.
    • Finally, you should identify the article you found and state why you believe it to me a trustworthy or reliable source.

YOU SHOULD WRITE YOUR PARAGRAPH IN PAGES OR GOOGLE DRIVE AND UPLOAD TO THE ASSIGNMENT "Reparations Opinion Paragraph." All directions for this assignment can be found there as well. 

HW - Complete the "Reparations Article Questions" and the "Reparations Opinion Paragraph."

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Agenda for 11/4

1. Thoughts on Reparations? Who has our government paid reparations to in the past?

2."The Case for Reparations"
  • Read in class and answer questions