Thursday, January 22, 2015

1. End of Class Survey

2. Go here:
3. Follow the directions in class to compare the "Demographic Overviews" and "Population Pyramids" for Guatemala and the United States.
4. What differences do you see in the "Demographic Overviews"?
5. What differences do you see in the "Population Pyramids"
6. Poverty in Guatemala
7. Living on One Dollar

Friday, January 16, 2015

Agenda for 1/23

1. Review NHD Project Schedule
2. Review NHD Project Rubric
3. To-Do List for Today:
  • 1. Finish NHD Assignments 4, 5 or 6.
  • 2. Decide Project Type
  • 3. Work on Project
  • 4. Meet with Mr. Parise to get credit for NHD Assignments 4 and 5, or for help/questions.
4. Click here to find the requirements for each project type.

5. To start creating your website go here to create your Weebly account. Also, download the Weebly app for free from the App Store, to edit your website from your iPad.

6. For more help creating your project, go here for more suggestions, tips, and examples from NHD. 

7. For help with creating your bibliography in MLA style go here:

HW - Continue to work on your NHD Projects.
  • Annotated Bibliographies due next class (NHD Assignment #7) - Wed. 1/21
  • Early project deadline (for 10 bonus points) due next class. - Wed. 1/21
  • Projects due Fri. 1/23

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Agenda for 1/15

1. Review NHD Project Schedule

2. Review NHD Project Rubric

3. To-Do List for Today:
  • 1. Finish NHD Assignments 4, 5 or 6.
  • 2. Decide Project Type
  • 3. Work on Project
  • 4. Meet with Mr. Parise to get credit for NHD Assignments 4 and 5, or for help/questions.
4. Click here to find the requirements for each project type.

5. To start creating your website go here to create your Weebly account. Also, download the Weebly app for free from the App Store, to edit your website from your iPad.

6. For more help creating your project, go here for more suggestions, tips, and examples from NHD. 

7. For help with creating your bibliography in MLA style go here:

HW - Continue to work on your NHD Projects.
  • Annotated Bibliographies due next class (NHD Assignment #7) - Tues. 1/20
  • Early project deadline (for 10 bonus points) due next class. - Tues. 1/20

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Agenda for 1/14

1. Review Project Schedule

2. To-Do List for Today:
  • 1. Finish NHD Assignments 4, 5 or 6.
  • 2. Decide Project Type
  • 3. Work on Project
  • Meet with Mr. Parise to get credit for NHD Assignments 4 and 5, or for help/questions.
3. Click here to find the requirements for each project type.

4. To start creating your website go here to create your Weebly account. Also, download the Weebly app for free from the App Store, to edit your website from your iPad.

4. For more help creating your project, go here for more suggestions, tips, and examples from NHD. 

HW - Continue to work on your NHD Projects.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Agenda for 1/13

1. To-Do List for Today:
  • 1. Finish NHD Assignments 4, 5 or 6.
  • 2. Decide Project Type
  • 3. Work on Project
  • Meet with Mr. Parise for help/questions.
2. Click here to find the requirements for each project type.

3. For more help creating your project, go here for more suggestions and tips from NHD.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Agenda for 1/12

1. Goals for class today:

  • 1. Finish NHD Assignments 4 and 5
  • 2. Once those are complete, meet with Mr. Parise to receive credit for those assignments.
  • 3. White waiting to meet with Mr. Parise and/or after meeting with Mr. Parise, work on NHD Assignment #6 - Thesis and Topic Summary and Bibliography Citations.
2. Writing your project's thesis:
  • Your thesis should: 
    • Clearly state the MAIN POINT of your project in relation to the theme.
    • Identify who your leader is, their major work or accomplishment and when it was accomplished, and the legacy they left.
    • By reading your thesis, the viewer of your project should understand what your project is going to prove, and how it relates to the theme "Leadership and Legacy."
    • An example:
      • As the leader of the movement for Indian independence from Britain in the early 1900s, Ghandi was not only essential to the creation of a free and democratic India, now the most populous democracy in the world, but also served as an inspiration for movements for civil rights and freedom throughout the world.
    • Let's play the NHD "What's Your Point?" Thesis Game
    • The thesis statement should answer the question: In what ways did your person or group demonstrate effective leadership, and what was the legacy (lasting impact) left by that leadership. 
3. Writing your Topic Summary
  • The topic summary should tell "the story" of your topic.
  • The summary should include specific historical facts and details about your topic.
  • Your one page topic summary should include (4 total paragraphs):
    • A short intro paragraph about your topic that includes your project thesis.
    • A paragraph that describes the leadership of your person/group.
    • A paragraph that describes the legacy of your person/group.
    • A conclusion that describes the overall significance of your person/group in the history of the United States.
4. Bibliography
  • Your bibliography needs a minimum of 8 sources (3 primary, 5 secondary)
  • Citations in MLA format (no easybib - make citations yourself)
  • To make your citations use 
  • Upload your bibliography document to NHD Assignment 6 

HW: NHD Assignment #6
  • Project Thesis
  • Project Summary
  • 8 Bibliography citations

Friday, January 9, 2015

Agenda for 1/9

1. Goals for class today:
  • 1. Finish NHD Assignments 4 and 5
  • 2. Once those are complete, meet with Mr. Parise to receive credit for those assignments.
  • 3. White waiting to meet with Mr. Parise and/or after meeting with Mr. Parise, work on NHD Assignment #6 - Thesis and Topic Summary and Bibliography Citations.
2. Writing your project's thesis:
  • Your thesis should: 
    • Clearly state the MAIN POINT of your project in relation to the theme.
    • Identify who your leader is, their major work or accomplishment and when it was accomplished, and the legacy they left.
    • By reading your thesis, the viewer of your project should understand what your project is going to prove, and how it relates to the theme "Leadership and Legacy."
    • An example:
      • As the leader of the movement for Indian independence from Britain in the early 1900s, Ghandi was not only essential to the creation of a free and democratic India, now the most populous democracy in the world, but also served as an inspiration for movements for civil rights and freedom throughout the world.
    • Let's play the NHD "What's Your Point?" Thesis Game
    • The thesis statement should answer the question: In what ways did your person or group demonstrate effective leadership, and what was the legacy (lasting impact) left by that leadership. 
3. Writing your Topic Summary
  • The topic summary should tell "the story" of your topic.
  • The summary should include specific historical facts and details about your topic.
  • Your one page topic summary should include (4 total paragraphs):
    • A short intro paragraph about your topic that includes your project thesis.
    • A paragraph that describes the leadership of your person/group.
    • A paragraph that describes the legacy of your person/group.
    • A conclusion that describes the overall significance of your person/group in the history of the United States.
4. Bibliograpy
  • Your bibliography needs a minimum of 8 sources (3 primary, 5 secondary)
  • Citations in MLA format (no easybib - make citations yourself)
  • To make your citations use 
  • Upload your bibliography document to NHD Assignment 6 

HW: NHD Assignment #6
  • Project Thesis
  • Project Summary
  • 8 Bibliography citations