Friday, January 9, 2015

Agenda for 1/9

1. Goals for class today:
  • 1. Finish NHD Assignments 4 and 5
  • 2. Once those are complete, meet with Mr. Parise to receive credit for those assignments.
  • 3. White waiting to meet with Mr. Parise and/or after meeting with Mr. Parise, work on NHD Assignment #6 - Thesis and Topic Summary and Bibliography Citations.
2. Writing your project's thesis:
  • Your thesis should: 
    • Clearly state the MAIN POINT of your project in relation to the theme.
    • Identify who your leader is, their major work or accomplishment and when it was accomplished, and the legacy they left.
    • By reading your thesis, the viewer of your project should understand what your project is going to prove, and how it relates to the theme "Leadership and Legacy."
    • An example:
      • As the leader of the movement for Indian independence from Britain in the early 1900s, Ghandi was not only essential to the creation of a free and democratic India, now the most populous democracy in the world, but also served as an inspiration for movements for civil rights and freedom throughout the world.
    • Let's play the NHD "What's Your Point?" Thesis Game
    • The thesis statement should answer the question: In what ways did your person or group demonstrate effective leadership, and what was the legacy (lasting impact) left by that leadership. 
3. Writing your Topic Summary
  • The topic summary should tell "the story" of your topic.
  • The summary should include specific historical facts and details about your topic.
  • Your one page topic summary should include (4 total paragraphs):
    • A short intro paragraph about your topic that includes your project thesis.
    • A paragraph that describes the leadership of your person/group.
    • A paragraph that describes the legacy of your person/group.
    • A conclusion that describes the overall significance of your person/group in the history of the United States.
4. Bibliograpy
  • Your bibliography needs a minimum of 8 sources (3 primary, 5 secondary)
  • Citations in MLA format (no easybib - make citations yourself)
  • To make your citations use 
  • Upload your bibliography document to NHD Assignment 6 

HW: NHD Assignment #6
  • Project Thesis
  • Project Summary
  • 8 Bibliography citations

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