Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Agenda for 11/12

Don't be one of these kids!!!!!!

 So what does the research say about who supports reparations and who does not?

Today, we will begin work on your final assessment for the Slavery Unit. 

The final essential question you are to consider is:

Does the US Government owe, and should it pay, reparations to the descendants of slaves in America to make up for the horrors of slavery?

There are three basic answers that are possible for this question:

1. Yes, reparations are owed, and yes, they should be paid (Yes and Yes)

2. Yes, reparations are owed, but no, they should not be paid. (Yes and No)

3. No, reparations are not owed, and no, they should not be paid. (No and No)

To prepare yourself to write apersuasive essay on this topic (the assessment for this Unit), you need to complete the following tasks:

1. Complete the "Reparations Argument Chart" we began last class. You need to have the chart filled out for three arguments to support reparations and three arguments against reparations.

2. Decide on your answer to the essential question.

3. Complete the "Essay Map" to outline your response (we will go over how to use the Essay Map in class). Do not complete the "Conclusion" section.
  • Intro: put your thesis sentence.
  • Main Ideas 1-3: put in the topic sentence for the paragraph (the one sentence that states the argument you will be defending in that paragraph).
  • Supporting details: include your major reason for believing in the argument identified in the "Main Idea" section.
4. Complete the AREAS paragraph graphic organizer for each of your three body paragraphs. We will go over how to do this in class.

HW: Complete steps 1-4 as detailed above.

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